Please support us!

The financing of our project is performed predominantly through sponsorship and private donations and association’s action. All members in Germany work on a voluntary basis with low management costs, therefore most of the donations go to the Kindergarten projects.


I assume a sponsorship

You can support us with a sponsorship of monthly 13 € and offer children better chances. Just fill in the declaration of sponsorship via email or post to the Kindergarten Meschede in Gambia e.V.


Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB

I’ll make a donation

You are welcome to donate to the following bank account:


Kindergarten Meschede in Gambia e.V.




Bank für Kirche und Caritas eG, BIC: GENODEM1BKC


We thank all sponsors and donators for the support of our projects! Just with your help it is possible to finance the kindergartens